Ph.D. Travel Grant Application

Grant Information

A limited amount of money is available each year to support Ph.D. students’ travel expenses for dissertation related work and to enhance student programs by attending professional meetings or by participating in archaeological expeditions, course-workshops, and similar events. If you wish to apply for such funds, please fill out the following form.

You should describe the event you wish to attend and if possible attach a published description of the event with your application. Students usually receive only one grant during their time in Program. The maximum grant that can be awarded is $1000; and lesser amounts may be given depending on the number of applicants and need. Preference may be given to those closest to the end of their program. The Advanced Programs Committee will consider applications for the period from June through May 31 of the following year at its March

In addition to the total dollar amount requested, the Committee must have an estimate of how the money will be spent by category, e.g., approximately $xxx airline travel; $yyy conference fee; approximately $zzz food and accommodations.

Funds are awarded in March for use in the next fiscal year (June 1 through May 31). This means that any plane flight, conference, course or expedition that a travel grant is awarded to help support must actually have occurred during this period.

The deadline for submitting applications is 5:00 pm on March 30. The form should be delivered to the Office of the Dean for Academic Affairs.

Student Information

Have you applied before? *

Travel Information

Estimated Breakdown of Expenses


Student Signature

By signing my full name below, I certify that I have read the above paragraphs and agree to the conditions outlined.
