1946 - The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture
Date: Tuesday, October 15
Time: 6:00 p.m.
2901 Stadium Drive
Fort Worth, TX

Brite Divinity School, TCU LGBTQIA Resources, and TCU Women and Gender Studies present a showing of the documentary 1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture

A Q&A time with the director Sharon “Rocky” Roggio will follow the showing of this documentary. 

You can also meet and greet Rocky during Community Conversation at Bass Conference Center in Brite's Harrison Building earlier that day at noon. 

Do you plan to attend the conversation with Rocky Roggio at Bass Conference on Oct. 15 at noon? *
Do you have dietary restrictions you would like to share?
Please be advised that photography, video and audio recordings may be taken of events hosted by Brite Divinity School. These recordings may be displayed on Brite’s website, social media platforms or used in Brite’s marketing materials.