I have a roommate or partner/spouse who needs to be notified of this repair request: *
Emergency maintenance is defined as anything that may pose a threat to residents'
health or safety and includes such things as broken water lines, backed-up drains with
overflowing water, loss of water, power failure, broken window glass, no heat or air conditioning, lock malfunction, etc.

Is the issue you are reporting an emergency? *
Stop and call 817-257-7171 IMMEDIATELY.
If you are unsuccessful in reaching a Resident Assistant or the Director of Brite Housing,
call TCU Facilities at (817) 257-7954. This number is answered 24 hours every day.
After you have called Facilities to report the emergency, continue to try to contact a member of the Leibrock Staff.
Location of Issue *
If a problem with internet or IT services is experienced, please submit a help ticket or contact the IT help desk at (817) 257-5855. For more information, visit it.tcu.edu.
It is still helpful to complete this form so Leibrock Staff is aware of the issue and to assist in coordinating with TCU IT for urgent or complex-wide issues.
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Please use the tool below to schedule a time for Erin to diagnose and/or repair the issue.
Your request will be directed to the proper department for repair by a staff member during regular business hours (Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.)