Green Apartment Certification
Welcome to
Leibrock Village’s
Certification survey.
The survey below
will cover demographic questions, items you have in your room, and behaviors you engage in
while living
that are sustainable in some way.
Any question marked with an asterisk (*) must be answered in order to m
ove on to the next
page. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email
Resident Information
Resident Name
TCU Email Address
Apartment Number
Survey Questions
Check all of the items/products that you have in your apartment.
Clothing drying rack
Blackout curtains
LED light bulbs in lamps
Eco-friendly cleaning products/detergents
Solar powered charger
Recycling bin or bag
Reusable shopping bag
Organic bedding, mattress topper, and/or pillows
Organic bath towels
Beeswax food wrap
Plates and utensils (not made of plastic)
Reusable water bottle(s) and/or mug(s)
Reusable food container(s)
Reusable straw(s)
Laundry dryer balls
Smart power strip
None of the above
Energy Saving Behaviors (Please select all that apply.)
I plug my electronics into a power strip and turn it off when not in use.
I take the stairs (if possible) at least 50% of the time rather than always using the elevator.
I wash my laundry in cold water.
I use natural light in my room whenever possible.
I keep the window blinds closed when I'm gone to keep the heat out of my room during the day.
I use energy-efficient LED light bulbs
I leave my lights on every time I leave a room
I have changed the setting on my electronic devices to where they are more energy-efficient.
I report maintenance issues promptly.
I do not charge my electronics beyond 100% (i.e. charging your cell phone or laptop overnight).
I turn off the lights when leaving my room.
I keep my window blinds closed when I am not in the room to keep the heat out of my room.
None of the above