This form is due by 5:00 on Friday, September 27, 2024. The Center for Theology and Justice will release the names of participants in early October.
Please contact CTJ Program Coordinator Erma Sinclair-Davis at if you have additional questions.
Degree program *
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Travel dates: This class will meet in person beginning in Fort Worth on January 5 and then will take a charter bus to various sites and return to Fort Worth on January 11.

Health: Students must provide proof of health insurance. Also, consult your physician about your health in light of your travel plans. While strenuous walking is not a regular part of the travel seminar, there may several occasions when a long walk is necessary to reach a certain location. Frequent movement in and out of a transport van will also be part of travel seminar.

Contact Erma Sinclair-Davis, Program Coordinator for the Center for Theology and Justice at

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