Demographic Information

For the purpose of communicating leading up to this event, we are not texting you. You will use your Tulane Email for all communications. At the event, we may need to text but not before.
By clicking below, I understand that I will be in New York city for the date selected. If selected, I will be expected to be on-time and at the address provided me. *

School Information

What is your classification? *

Session Selection

In the box below, select all of the sessions you are intersted in. Each of the sessions have their own capacity. The goal is to allow every student who wants to attend a session an opportunity. You are not registering, only selecting which one you would like to attend. You will be contacted by TULANE EMAIL if you have been selected and which session.
You do have to select an answer for each question below:
December 16 | Television & Entertainment | Careers in Television: Live with Kelly & Mark… And Michael & Jack! *
December 17 | Luxury Goods | Driven by Luxury: Pedro Mota’s International Career Across Aston Martin, Rolls-Royce, and Porsche *
December 18 | Finance | Finance Foundations: Exploring Opportunities Across the Industry *
December 18 | Consulting | From Strategy to Solutions: Exploring Cross-Industry Careers in Consulting *
December 18 | Global Branding | Crossing Industries: Career Insights from a Global Entrepreneur *
December 18 | Start-Up & Entrepreneurship | From Startup to Scale-Up: Tulane Entrepreneurs Share Their Paths *
December 18 | Networking Reception *
If you only had one educational session that you could attend, please select it below: *

Confirmation of Terms

By clicking below, I understand that this is ONLY an interest submission. Final registration information will be sent to my Tulane email if selected. *