Registration Form

Please Select which NYIOP 3.0 Session you wish to attend:
(you can choose multiple sessions)

Early Registration Pricing until dates listed below. *
Voice Type (just for our records) *
Gender (just for our records)

Upon submitting this registration for any NYIOP project worldwide, you are acknowledging that if you benefit from your NYIOP audition in any way (i.e., by receiving a contract offer, whether accepted or not, by signing a contract, by receiving management or any other form of professional advancement), NYIOP has the right to publicize this success via our website and social media platforms. We will of course attempt to contact you first to involve you in this process.

Please note that actual attendees either Live or Online are subject to change at any time. Should an attendee not be able to attend, NYIOP will try with all best efforts to replace that attendee, however the fee paid is for the opportunity given and is not guaranteeing any specific attendee. No refunds or partial credits will be given based on attendance or non-attendance by any specific theater, representative or number thereof.

All NYIOP Auditions will be recorded in HD video for our records and should a theater request a copy of your audition. The video remains the sole property of NYIOP. By taking part in any NYIOP project, all artists consent to this listing online and the processing of the videos for this service by NYIOP as seen fit by NYIOP. This additional online resource is created to provide ongoing professional opportunities for all artists. These videos will not be available publicly. If, after your audition, you wish to have your video removed from this listing you must contact us at and we will handle these requests one by one.

None of the materials sent to NYIOP for any project nor any of the videos or information received will ever be used for any purpose other than NYIOP project purposes and will never be sold to any third-party. Your data is used solely to try to help get you a job. Period.

Additionally, by registering I understand that I am subject to the cancellation policy in effect and shown the Legal and Privacy page on our website at


There are NO REFUNDS for NYIOP Projects for any reason. If you must cancel your audition you have the right to move your paid registration to another NYIOP audition during the current audition season, on a space available basis. If you wish to use a past season credit in any other season, just write us and we will find a solution. If you fail to appear for any reason on the day of your NYIOP service, you will be considered a no-show and there will be no refund nor credit offered.

Please Sign Here to Confirm you Agree *