2025 League Signups

  • Signing Up for a 2025 League:

    • Please sign up for each league that you play in separately.
    • If you play in more than one league contact Diane she may be able to save you money with an Ace Membership.
  • Payment Information:

    • To our leagues that play on Mon, Tues, Wed, or Thursday your credit card will not be charged until April 1, 2025.
    • If you prefer to pay by check or cash to receive a $15 cash discount, sign up now with a credit card to hold your position. Please ensure that we receive your full payment before March 21, 2025. This way, your credit card won't be charged, and you'll benefit from the cash discount.
  • Walk or Ride:

    • You may walk or ride.
    • If you choose to ride both you & your parter must ride.
    • You may change your mind to walk or ride any time.
The day or days that your league plays. *

Do you want to pay your cart fee for the season.

You can change your mind at any time in 2025.
If you ride both you and your partner must ride.

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