If you want to just skip ahead for faster consideration, please complete this form.  Be sure to include your resume, and video links of you playing (at the bottom).  The video can be informal - like, in your own space, jamming. Show us a little bit about what you want to say, musically, and the range of styles that you perform.   Good luck! 

Personal Information

Position Applying for:
(Please check all that apply) *
Please list all that you feel qualified to teach: *
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? *


Days Available *
NOTE:  Availability for full start and end time is required for each day.

Employment History

Employer 1
May we contact? *
Checking references may be required prior to hire.
Employer 2
May we contact?
Checking references may be required prior to hire.

Additional References

Reference 1
Reference 2

Additional Skills

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