Acceptable Use Policy

I will follow the school rules for using all technology.

School: *
Grade Level *

I have read and discussed the Monongalia County Acceptable Use Policy for Grades K-2 with my child.

I understand that Monongalia County Schools provides access to desktop computers, laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, networks, the Internet and other technologies as a tool to facilitate learning and enhance the educational development of all students and that there are consequences if my child does not follow these rules. 

As the parent (guardian), I have read the previously mentioned consent and waiver for use of technology in school and have discussed this with my son/daughter.  I understand that this access is for educational purposes only, and that it is the responsibility of my child to restrict his/her use to classroom projects assigned.  Your child’s picture may appear on the school/county web page or newsletter.  Guidelines have been set so that a child is not identifiable by name.  If you do not wish for your child’s picture to appear, please notify the school in writing within five days of signing this form.

Signature: *
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