I have read and discussed the Monongalia County Acceptable Use Policy for Grades K-2 with my child.
I understand that Monongalia County Schools provides access to desktop computers, laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, networks, the Internet and other technologies as a tool to facilitate learning and enhance the educational development of all students and that there are consequences if my child does not follow these rules.
As the parent (guardian), I have read the previously mentioned consent and waiver for use of technology in school and have discussed this with my son/daughter. I understand that this access is for educational purposes only, and that it is the responsibility of my child to restrict his/her use to classroom projects assigned. Your child’s picture may appear on the school/county web page or newsletter. Guidelines have been set so that a child is not identifiable by name. If you do not wish for your child’s picture to appear, please notify the school in writing within five days of signing this form.