Summit Bible College Application

This application is good for 3 months (90 days) from the date of submission. After 90 days, you will need to re-apply and pay an additional $100.00 for processing fees.

Employment Information:

Personal Information

Educational Information

Send college all transcripts directly to SBC at: 3000 James Road, Bakersfield, CA 93308.
What Type of Degree Are You Seeking From Summit? (Check the first degree you desire to earn.) *

Faith Information

Have you received Jesus as your personal Savior as given in John 3 and Romans 10:9-10? *


Within the last three years, have you been involved in any of the following areas:
Do You Smoke *
Drink Alcohol *
Homosexual (LGBTQ+) Relationships *
Extra-Marital Sex *
Illegal Substances *
Physical Abuse *
Jail/Prison time *
Pedophilia *
Pre-Marital Sex *
Pornography *
Hate Groups *
By signing this document I am stating that I am in agreement with the statement of faith and purpose, the rules of conduct, grievance procedure, and the pledge for students (see website). I realize that I have answered these questions to the best of my ability and I further realize that any false statements on this application are grounds for immediate dismissal from the college without refund.
I realize that by filling in the name block above and by filling in the date, that I am electronically signing this document and that this is valid and is considered an authentic electronic signature.
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Others Who Would Be Intereseted In SBC

Ministry Experience

We credit Ministry Experience, if possible. Check all that apply. Each checked item must have details filled in below for credit: *
Pay your Application Fee, now. *

Office Use Only