Our Mission
The mission of the Veterans Transplantation Association (VTA) is to acknowledge the dedication and integrity of our Veterans who fought for this county and now living each day with a solid organ transplant. We motivate, empower, encourage, educate, and train Veterans by providing resources, advocacy, and opportunities for a better quality of life.
Grant Availability
This grant is open to Veteran recipients of life-supporting allografts and hemopoietic cell transplants from other individuals which require the use of immunosuppressive drug therapies. Competitors must have been transplanted for at least 1 year, with stable graft function, be medically fit and have trained for the events in which they have entered.
Grant Amount
Veterans Transplantation Association will provide $150.00 reimbursement towards necessary items for a transplant recipient(s).
• Veteran must be Honorable Discharged and show proof.
• Veteran applying must have a functioning transplant or graft.
• Veteran must submit an essay (at least 2 paragraphs) about “What it means to be a veteran transplant recipient.