The Annual Check-In Report is a health checkpoint of the chapter’s or region’s governance and business practices and allows CSI National to confirm that the chapter or region is in good standing with the elements of the Affiliation Agreement.
If the chapter or region is unable to meet one or more of the obligations on the report, the Chapter, Region, and National/Institute will work collaboratively to create a plan so that the chapter or region can work towards compliance with the Affiliation Agreement.
Please be prepared to complete the form as progress cannot be saved or the link shared with multiple leaders; Proof is not required, your attestation is enough.
This report is the starting point for our conversations to support you and is due by September 30, 2024.
Note: There are two certification prep questions that do not relate to compliance with the affiliation agreement. These are for information gathering as we seek to understand what certification preparation courses are or may become available to the AECO community.
Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.