Bluebonnet Pageant Registration

General Rules and Information 
2024 Bluebonnet Pageant 
Eastland, Texas  
The Pageant will be held on October 5th, 2024, during the line up of the Old Rip Parade. 
Entry Fee for the 2024 Bluebonnet Pageant will be $30 and each subcategory will be $10
The 2024 Bluebonnet Pageant is a natural beauty pageant. Please no hair pieces, mouth pieces or false eyelashes. 
All contestants must resided and/or attend school in Eastland County. 
All contestants should wear formal/sunday best attire for the pageant. (Big Pageant Dresses are absolutely allowed) 
The entry deadline for the pageant is September 25th at 5PM. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED.
Contestants will arrive at their designated line up by 10am on a float or vehicle. 
Judging will be based on float/vehicle decoration, personality, speaking ability (if applicable) charm and will be assessed during the line up of the parade.
Contestants in the Petite Miss division and older will be asked to give a small speech about themselves to the judge coming around. Something as simple as “hi, my name is ___ and I like to…want to grow up and be…plan to go to college to…ETC." Judges will be asking general questions.  
One winner from each age division will be chosen.
The winners will be announced as they drive pass the podium of the parade at the courthouse. The trophy ceremony will be held after the parade has be concluded at the steps of the courthouse.
Age Divisions are 
Baby Miss (0-11 Months) 
Tiny Miss (1-3 Years)
Petite Miss (4-6 Years)
Little Miss (7-9 Years)
Junior Miss (10-13 Years)
Miss Majestic (14-18 Years) 
Mr. Majestic (Boys Division)  Depending on submissions there may be age divisions
Subcategories are as followed 
Most Photogenic 
Best Smile 
Best Attire 
Most Beautiful Eyes
Most Popular Category

Each of the subcategories will be a $10 entry per subcategory.
The judging for the Most Popular subcategories will be based off the Friends/Families/Attendees of the old rip festival. There will be a vendor booth during the rip festival that each entry will be on display and each vote casted will be $1. 
One winner from each subdivision will be chosen based off the number of $1 they receive and these votes will be due by 1PM so that winners can be announced by 2PM. 
Miss Majestic will be a year round position. We will ask that the winner of Miss Majestic be more than just a trophy won at her local parade. Our hope is she will attend events throughout the community hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. If the Mr. Majestic winner is between the (14-19 years) division he will also be held to these standards. 

A portion of the Most Popular vote will go to a local non-profit organization of Miss Majestic winner's choice (a list of non-profits will be provided to the winner)
All contestants will receive a ribbon of participation 

Each winner will receive a tiara, sash and trophy. Boys will receive a crown, scepter and trophy

Bluebonnet Pageant Registration

Age in: *
Gender *
Divisions available *
Subcategories available (Optional) $10 per entry
Please click all subcategories you would like to enter.

Contact information

List Mother's name in Newpaper
List Father's name in Newpaper
Preferred method of contact *
I give my permission for my child's picture to be
used for the Eastland Telegram list of contestants *

As the parent/guardian of the contestant, I understand that if I am disrespectful in any way, I will be asked
to leave; and, the contestant will automatically be disqualified from the pageant. I am here to set a good example for others. I understand that the Eastland Chamber of Commerce, City of Eastland and/or Eastland County are NOT responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged property, nor any accidents before, during, or after pageant. I also understand that the entry fee and subcatergory fees are non-refundable for any reason. By signing below, I agree to follow all the rules and expections set before me. 
Parent/Guardian Signature *


Subcategory Uploads

You may use the same picture for each category or you can choose a different picture for each subcatergory. You must click on the subcategories you wish to entry. Each entry is $10

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