Munds Park Business Alliance

"Building Business Partnerships For Stronger Community"

Munds Park Business Alliance
PO Box 17151
Munds Park, AZ 86017

MPBA Mission, Philosophy & Core Values

Mission Statement
Foster an environment of mutual business cooperation to the betterment of the Munds Park community while enhancing the ability of each participating business to grow and succeed in the market place through affiliation, support and referral.
Our Philosophy
Businesses should participate in the community in which they do business.

Businesses should give back to the community.

Businesses should work together to enhance the quality of life for the residents and visitors of Munds Park.

Businesses should help one another to flourish and succeed in order to create an atmosphere of community stewardship and a strong community bond.

Core Values (Courtesy of the Forum of Young Global Leaders)

Each business will manage their enterprise diligently and in good faith and will not let personal compensation supersede the long-term interest of the enterprise or society at large.

Understand and uphold the letter and spirit of the law governing your own conduct and that of your enterprise.

Respect and protect the rights and dignity of all people affected by your enterprise and oppose all forms of discrimination and exploitation.

Respect and protect the right of future generations to enjoy a clean and resourceful planet.

Do not engage in nor tolerate bribery or any other form of corruption.

Represent the performance and risks of your enterprise accurately and honestly to everyone affected by it. Disclose information necessary to treat all parties fairly.

Help find solutions to social and environmental issues that are central to your enterprise.

Invest in your own professional development and that of other managers under your supervision.

Munds Park Business Alliance Mission & Core Values *

Membership Type

Are you a New Member or Renewal Member? *
MPBA Memberships are Annual Memberships from April 1st - November 31st each year.  Members can join at anytime, but we do not offer prorated rates.
Membership Type (See definitions in terms below) *
I will choose to pay and will ensure payment will be received by MPBA within 5 business days from this application via: *
Payment Amounts:
You will be paying either $150 - Member only.
$475 - Member and current sign renewal.
If your sign is a different starting month, then you will owe the Member only NOW and you will pay the $325 in that month.
Please email us if you are unsure of when your sign renewal month is. 

Member Terms & Conditions

Membership Definitions & Terms & Conditions:
Local Businesses Only
We support local businesses that live and work in the Munds Park Community.
Members of the MPBA (Munds Park Business Alliance) must live in Munds Park full or part time. We do support part timer's businesses.
Membership Etiquette
The Munds Park Business Alliance is committed to fostering a reputation of integrity and trust within our community. We actively promote your business to local homeowners, making it essential that we uphold high ethical standards. Members of the MPBA are expected to represent themselves and their businesses with integrity, courtesy, honesty, and respect, both within the community and across all social media platforms. The MPBA reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership if these standards are not met.
Membership Term
Memberships are valid for the calendar year. To qualify for a physical sign, renewals must be completed by March 1st each year; signs will be removed if not renewed by this date.

If you join in September or later, your membership will be active until December of the following year. While we do accept memberships after May 1st, please note that we do not offer prorated rates for the year.

Membership Mandatory Meeting Attendance
Members of the MPBA must attend a minimum of 2 meetings per year.
We prefer you to attend all meetings, but we completely understand how busy you can be as a business owner. We want our commmunity to be networked together and your ideas to be shared, so it's very beneficial for you to attend.
Membership Only Includes
As a member, you are encouraged to attend monthly meetings. These monthly meetings create a networking environment as well as joining the board of directors to make decisions on improving our organization and our community. Meetings are held monthly from April through Novemember. Additionally, members are encouraged to participate in the following events: Home Improvement event in July and the November Christmas Lighting event as well as more events to added in the future.
Membership + Sign Includes
Everything above in Membership plus a physical sign displayed on our sign at the Outpost. The signage is only available when space is available. We may expand to more physical signage displays in the near future. The signage space is $325/year. You provide us the sign at your own cost. We will communicate with you on sign size and specs when we accept your membership.  Sign renewals are on fiscal year renewals, based on the initial month you received the space on the outpost board.
Sign Space Eligibility 
Due to the high demand for the sign space, we will set parameters to allow active members to have access to the sign space. Must be an active member, attending a minimum of 2 meetings per year, including a spring season kick-off meeting plus volunteer for at least one MPBA sponsored community event.
MPBA Listing
As a member business in MPBA, we will list your business on our Facebook community, website, and printed listings handed out at various events. Additionally, we will promote your business on various social media posts throughout the community when opportunity presents. Our organization is promoted in the Pinewood news, as well, directing the community to our facebook page and our website.
Our website is:
Contact Information
Please complete the fields below with your member contact information and your business listing details.
The business listing information will be used for advertising your business, while the member contact information will allow us to communicate with you about your membership and upcoming MPBA monthly and quarterly meetings.
Terms and Conditions - Membership Terms *

Member Information

Business Listing Information

Please Note:
Your application submission does NOT guarantee your membership status. You will be notified, via email, within 72 hours of membership acceptance.
By signing below, I acknowledge my agreement with all the items outlined above. I confirm that I have checked the term boxes above voluntarily and agree to join the Munds Park Business Alliance upon acceptance of this application by the MPBA Board of Directors. *

Please feel free to email us with any further questions about your application.
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