Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Enrollment Intent Form

The Parental Choice Tax Credit program provides a refundable income tax credit of $5,000-$7,500 for eligible Oklahoma Taxpayers who pay, or expect to pay, qualified expenses such as tuition and fees to an eligible private school on behalf of an eligible student that attends or plans to attend an eligible private school during that tax year.
As of December of 2023, Kolbe Academy is Registered in the School Directory, and families may choose to opt-in for the spring semester of '23-'24, or the '24-'25 school year. Please fill out the following form if you are currently enrolled for the spring semester of '23-'24, or intend to enroll for the '24-'25 school year. Filling out this form does not commit you to enrolling for the '24-25 school year.

For more information, please visit the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit website, or see our help article on the tax credit.
Is there another parent or guardian with financial responsibility for the student? This can include a spouse who filed taxes either jointly or separately, or another parent or guardian who resides apart from the student. *
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