Application for Learning Support

This application form is to be completed by any JMC Academy student or a potential student. Applying for learning/disability support is completely voluntary. Students can apply at any time during their studies, but it is recommended doing so when they enrol in a course.

  • Students are required to make themselves familiar with JMC Academy’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy and Academic Progress Policy and Procedure, The policies and procedures can be supplied in hard copy if required,
  • Students are required to provide a medical certificate or supporting letter on the official letterhead from a treating health practitioner to support their application. This document will need to detail the required adjustments,
  • Students are required to sign and date their application.

Student/Applicant Details

Campus at which you are/will be studying *
Are you an International or Domestic student? *
JMC Academy course you are/will be studying *
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