Application for International Study Tour

International Study Tour Unit

Unit Description

The International Study Tour Unit is a special project based on research, experiences and learning undertaken in conjunction with the overseas academic partners and JMC Academy. Students will be immersed in two weeks of educational experiences prior to JMC Academy trimester start, hosted by the overseas academic partners. They will cover a range of topics, skills and knowledge taught by industry experts and educators in the students’ area of study (Entertainment Business Management, Music, Design, Film and Television, Audio Engineering, Animation and Game Design).

On completion of the two weeks of study, students will continue with a 12 week special project on campus at JMC Academy in Australia.

Individual projects are based on a specific project topic of the student’s choice made in consultation with their term supervisor. That is then developed over the length of the subject. Students will be supervised and will work in conjunction with their supervisor to complete their project (Academic or Practical).

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