Capital Key Club District Leadership Conference 2025
Please use this form to register for the Capital District Leadership Conference taking place from March 21-23, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City.  Any questions regarding the registration form or registration changes, please contact Kristina Dlugozima at  Registration is due by March 3rd.  Registrations received after March 3rd cannot be guaranteed room shares and will incur a late fee.  No refund requests will be honored after March 3rd.
Is this an adult or a student? *
Chaperone/Adult Registration - Please indicate the number of adults/chaperones requesting each type of room. The Capital District will do room shares for any advisor requesting a double room without a roommate. You must put a number in each box so put a '0' where needed. A reminder to put the number of people in the rooms and not the number of rooms needed to get the accurate cost. *
Student Registration - Please indicate the number of students registering for each room type. The Capital District will do room shares for any rooms that your school is not able to fill but would like a quad. Please do not choose triple if you need a room share as that will be difficult to match. You must put a number in each box so put a '0' where needed. A reminder to put the number of people in the rooms and not the number of rooms needed to get the accurate cost. *

How many of each t-shirt size?

Credentials Registration

Each club is allowed up to two delegates who will vote in Sunday morning's House of Delegates.  Often these delegates are incoming club officers, but they can be whoever the club wishes to represent them.
Additionally, the club may choose two alternates who will serve as the club delegate if one of the delegates is unable to attend District Convention.
Delegate 1
Delegate 2
Alternate 1
Alternate 2