Please note that the expected timeframe for the outcome of your request is within ten (10) working days.



To successfully submit your application, please follow these steps:
  1. Please fill out the form provided and sign the declaration
  2. Please provide and upload where necessary all supporting evidence.
  3. This form may be used when you remain dissatisfied with the assessment decision made after consultation with your lecturer.
  4. You may request a formal review by completing this form within five (5) working days of receipt of the assessment result.
  5. You will receive and email of the outcome within ten (10) working days of lodgment of this form.
  6. Your application will be assessed within the framework of Student Assessment Review Policy and associated Procedure


Important Note: Postponing, suspending, or discontinuing enrolment may impact your student visa.
ASA is obligated to notify the Department of Education and Training through PRISMS in accordance with the ESOS Act 2000.
To adhere to visa conditions, international students must:
  1. Maintain a valid visa.
  2. Complete their course by the specified expected completion date on the eke
  3. Provide the Institute with address details within seven days of arrival or any address changes.
  4. Sustain a full-time study load.
  5. Abide by the maximum number of hours allowed to work on the student visa.
  6. Maintain Overseas Student Health Cover or its equivalent.


Please specify the Quarter and Year :
Have you communicated with your lecturer regarding this assessment? *
On what grounds for review is this Assessment Review Request?
  • The learning outcomes were not clearly defined in the unit material
  • Assessment tasks were not clearly defined or outlined in the unit material or to the students.
  • The assessment procedure outlined in the unit merial was not followed.
  • A piece of work submitted according to stated requirements had not been marked
  • Perceived bias by a member of academic staff against the student may have affected the grade or mark awarded to the student. This allegation must be supported in writing with specific details.
  • Alleged wrongful advice from teaching staff. Examples include advice relating to the content of the assessment or approval of an extension for an assessment.
  • Inappropriate or incorrect application of marking criteria, calculation, or administration of mark
Please upload a copy of the original marked assessment (if applicable):

Please attached any supporting documentation that will help to assess your request.


  • I have completed the fields to the best of my knowledge.
  • I have provided evidence to support my request.
  • I have read the associated Policy and Procedure
  • I have uploaded any relevant evidence files.


I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this form (and attachments) is accurate and comprehensive. I understand that incomplete information may lead to the return of my application. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to furnish all required documentary evidence. I authorise ASA to make necessary enquiries in the assessment and verification of this application and to use any information supplied in this application for that purpose. I have uploaded the original marked copy of the assessment. All other marked assessments will be provided by ASA. I understand that this Assessment Review Request Application my impact the final outcome for this assessment.
Student's signature: *