Students are eligible to receive Advanced Standing for a maximum of 50% of the specified course.
To qualify, the unit for which Advanced Standing is sought must share a minimum of 80% content similarity with the unit studied at another institution.
Advanced Standing previously granted cannot be reused for additional Advanced Standing.
Any study referenced in an Advanced Standing application must have been completed within the past seven years.
The approved study must align with a comparable Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level. This includes qualifications from accredited Australian Higher Education institutions or their equivalent overseas institutions, as evaluated by the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR).
Please note: While the ASA Institute of Higher Education take every effort to ensure that Advanced Standing for accounting subjects meet the criteria of professional accounting bodies (CPA and CAANZ), it is the discretion of the professional accounting bodies whether to accept the Advanced Standing granted by ASA. ASA encourages students applying for Advanced Standing for accounting subjects to seek advice from the relevant professional accounting body prior to applying for an exemption.