Teaching Music History Conference 2024

Registration Form
Please use this form to register for the AMS Pedagogy Study Group's 2024 Teaching Music History Conference, to be held 7-9 June 2024 at Columbus State University in Columbus, GA.
Tuition fees are dependent upon employment status and what you plan to attend:
Event Standard Student/Retired/Contingent Faculty Livestream
PSG Program + “Teaching American Musics in the K-12 Classroom” Workshop $70 $55  
PSG Program Only $50 $35 $50
“Teaching American Musics in the K-12 Classroom” Workshop only $35 $35  
PSG Program includes a reception on 7 June and dinner on 8 June.
Are you an independent scholar?
Please select your registration type: *

Do you wish to stay in a private room or a shared room? (Please note: private rooms are in suites with shared living areas and bathrooms) *
Please check all of the nights you wish to stay: *
Current Total:
Please check all of the nights you wish to stay: *
Current Total:
Have you made prior arrangements with a roommate(s) or would you like to be paired with another conference attendee? Note: This includes if you wish to have a private room, but share a suite with a fellow conference participant. *
With which gender identity(ies) do you most closely identify? *
To secure your dormitory registration you must complete the Columbus State General Release form in its entirety. Please follow this link and affirm your completion of the form below. 
I affirm that I have completed the Columbus State University General Release form. *
8 Dollar Dorm Fee Adjustment *
The Teaching Music History Conference is sponsored by the Pedagogy Study Group of the American Musicological Society. Please support the work of the Pedagogy Study Group by making a contribution. Any amount would be much appreciated.