AMS Committee Volunteer Form
Please use this form to indicate your interest in service for an AMS committee or volunteer assignment.
Service Profile
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Why are you interested in serving as an AMS volunteer? Check all that apply.
Give back to the Society
Learn more about the AMS
Network and connect with peers
Become involved in AMS governance
Mentor and support younger colleagues
Gain skills / experience
Areas of Interest:
Please tell us which areas within music and musicology most interest you.
Comments: Is there anything else we should know about you before offering you a committee or volunteer assignment? Skills and strengths? Availability? Etc.
Service Opportunities
Please indicate which committees you are interested in serving on. Check all that apply.
(For information about the exact purpose and remits of the many AMS committees, consult our
Committees page
General Committees
Committee on the Annual Meeting and Public Events
Committee on Career-Related Issues
Development Committee
Committee on Women and Gender
Committee on the History of the Society
Communications Committee
Committee on Race, Indigeneity, and Ethnicity
AMS-MLA Joint RISM Committee
Chapter and Study Group Activities Committee
Committee on Committees
Annual Meeting Committees
Program Committee
Performance Committee
Education and Mentorship Committees
Sustainable Mentorship Program (SMP)
Education Committee
Fellowship Committee
AMS 50 Fellowship Subcommittee
Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship Subcommittee
Holmes/D'Accone Fellowship Subcommittee
Travel and Research Committees
Travel/Research Grants Committee
Eileen Southern Travel Fund Committee
Janet Levy Award Committee
Publications Committees
Committee on the Publication of American Music
Musicology Now Editorial Team
Publications Committee
JMHP Editorial Board
JAMS Editorial Board
Nominating Committees
Board Nominating Committee
Council Nominating Committee
Council Committee on Honorary Membership
Award Committees
Lewis Lockwood Award Committee
Early Music Award Committee
Judy Tsou Critical Race Studies Award Committee
Kinkeldey Award Committee
H. Colin Slim Award Committee
Ruth A. Solie Award Committee
Alfred Einstein Award Committee
Robert M. Stevenson Award Committee
Claude V. Palisca Award Committee
Music in American Culture Award Committee
AMS Teaching Award Committee
Noah Greenberg Award Committee
Paul A. Pisk Prize Committee
Jackson Award Committee
Thomas Hampson Award Committee
H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Award Committee
Volunteer Application Materials
Sustainable Mentorship Program
Please provide a brief description of previous mentoring experience (max. 250 words).
0/250 words
Please upload your CV or résumé.
Please help us get to know AMS volunteers like you. Complete the following demographics section.
Are you currently a student?
What degree are you currently pursuing?
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelors of Science
Master of Arts / Master of Fine Arts / Master of Music
Master of Science / Master of Library Science
PhD / EdD
Are you currently employed by an academic, research, or heritage institution?
Please enter the name of that institution here.
Please select the type of institution at which you are employed
Performance Venue
Undergraduate liberal arts
University with graduate program in musicology
University with no graduate program in musicology
What is your highest degree attained?
Bachelor of Arts / Bachelors of Science
Master of Arts / Master of Fine Arts / Master of Music
Master of Science / Master of Library Science
PhD / EdD
Please indicate the institution where you received this degree.
Which of the following best represents your racial or ethnic heritage?
Black, Afro-Caribbean, or African American
East Asian or Asian American
Latino or Hispanic American
Middle Eastern or Arab American
Native American or Alaskan Native
Non-Hispanic White or Euro-American
South Asian or Indian American
Prefer Not to Answer
With which gender identity do you most closely identify?
Gender Non-conforming
Prefer Not to Answer
Do you identify as LGBTQ+?
Prefer Not to Answer