AMS Committee Volunteer Form

Please use this form to indicate your interest in service for an AMS committee or volunteer assignment.

Service Profile

Why are you interested in serving as an AMS volunteer? Check all that apply. *

Service Opportunities

Please indicate which committees you are interested in serving on. Check all that apply. (For information about the exact purpose and remits of the many AMS committees, consult our Committees page.)
General Committees
Annual Meeting Committees
Education and Mentorship Committees
Fellowship Committee
Travel and Research Committees
Publications Committees
Nominating Committees
Award Committees

Volunteer Application Materials

Sustainable Mentorship Program

0/250 words


Please help us get to know AMS volunteers like you. Complete the following demographics section.
Are you currently a student? *
What degree are you currently pursuing? *
Are you currently employed by an academic, research, or heritage institution? *
Please select the type of institution at which you are employed *
What is your highest degree attained? *
Which of the following best represents your racial or ethnic heritage? *
With which gender identity do you most closely identify? *
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? *