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AMS 2024 Annual Meeting

Advertisements, Exhibits, and Networking Events
Please use this form to reserve an exhibit booth, organize a social or networking event, or advertise at the American Musicological Society's 90th Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, 14-17 November 2024. For more information, visit the conference website

Contact Information
To purchase advertising space in the 2024 Conference Program Guide, indicate your preferred ad quantities and placements below. This year's Conference Program Guide lists session times and locations, social activities, performances, and other essential information about our online conference: it will be distributed as a PDF to all conference registrants. Advertising services and products in it will reach participants around the world.
Advertisers are invited to place ads in the conference Program Guide, reserve Exhibit Hall booths, or purchase the opportunity to have a flyer or promotional card (ride-along insert) distributed to all attendees. Use the fields below to build your ideal promotional package. 
Conference Program Guide - Advertisements (indicate quantity in the box)
Advertiser/Exhibitor Add-on: Ride-Along Insert 🛈

Parties & Networking Events
Universities, departments, centers, institutes, and vendors are invited to organize social and networking events at the 2024 Annual Meeting.
Organize and sponsor a social or networking event.
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