AMS Chapter & Study Group Reporting Form
Please use this form to report on your chapter or study group's activities and governance.
Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Are you a leader of an AMS chapter or study group?
Study Group
Greater New York
New England
New York State - St. Lawrence
Northern California
Pacific Northwest
Pacific Southwest
Rocky Mountain
Study Group:
Childhood and Youth Study Group
Cold War and Music Study Group
Global East Asian Music Research Study Group
Global Music History Study Group
Ecomusicology Study Group
History of Music Theory Study Group
Ibero-American Music Study Group
Jazz and Improvisation Study Group
Jewish Studies and Music Study Group
LGBTQ Study Group
Ludomusicology Study Group
Music and Dance Study Group
Music and Disability Study Group
Music and Marxism Study Group
Music and Media Study Group
Music and Philosophy Study Group
Music, Sound, and Trauma Study Group
Musical Notation, Inscription, and Visualization Study Group
Organology Study Group
Pedagogy Study Group
Popular Music Study Group
Skills and Resources for Early Musics Study Group
Annual Report
Please use the below section to provide qualitative information about past and prospective activities.
Number of active members or participants (estimated)
Activities for the Previous Academic Year
Please include a brief summary of activities and attendance numbers. You may also wish to include information on activities about your website, email discussion list, student activities, e-journal, meetings, etc.
Do you hold paper presentations at your meetings? Do you want them listed on the AMS website? If yes, please provide author first and last name, paper title, and the meeting at which it was presented.
Does your chapter or study group give out awards? If yes, please provide the award winner's first and last name, the name of the award, and when it was granted.
Action Items
Action Items
Please list your action items succinctly below. “Action items” means actions you would like the board or office to take. (E.g. "In this report, the chapter requests that the board or office…") Include dollar amounts or estimates when possible.
Details Regarding Action Items
Please provide explanations or justifications for the action items listed above.
Other Discussion
Are there other discussions or items you would like to share? If so, please enter them below. Include timelines, activities, plans, etc.