2024 AMS Annual Meeting - Chicago

Student Group Registration Form
Please use this form to register your group for the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting. A minimum of 12 students is required to qualify for student group registration. You may include faculty or administrators in your group registration, but please note that they will be required to register at our regular registration rates. 
Administrative Contact

Group Order Details
Note: A minimum of 12 students is required to qualify for student group registration.

Early-Bird (by 09/23/2024)

Please enter number of registrants in the box.

Regular Registration Rates (09/24/2024 - 11/13/2024)

Please enter number of registrants in the box. 🛈

Special Events
Please use the section below to register / sign-up all or some members of your student group for the following special events associated with the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting. Stay tuned for information on other special events that will be held before or during the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting. Information for these events will be provided directly via email to all registered attendees.
Enter the order quantity (# of registrations/sign-ups) in the box.
Visions of Afro-Futurism from the 1970s
Friday, 15 November 2024, 7:00-8:30pm
Art Institute of Chicago, Rubloff Auditorium

A special talk and performance on Afro-Futurism with Damon Locks and the Black Monument Ensemble. Event will be held at the Art Institute of Chicago, located just blocks away from the conference hotel. Part of the Many Musics of America series.
Tickets: $15
Enter number of attendees

From Prague and Beyond: Music Under the Reign of Emperor Rudolf II
Saturday, 16 November 2024, 4:00-5:30pm
Palmer House Hilton Hotel

An early music performance exploring music from Renaissance Prague. Perfomed by The Newberry Consort and Schola Antiqua.

Early tickets: $15

Standard tickets (after 9/23/24): $25
Enter number of attendees
Enter number of attendees

Group Contact Upload

Meeting Policies
Policy on Harassment
All attendees of the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting are required to review the meeting's Harassment Policy and agree to abide by its terms. Please provide affirmation that all the members of your group have been informed of and will abide by these policies.
Harassment Policy Affirmation *
Photo Release
The 2024 AMS Annual Meeting will have photographers and videographers on site to capture a visual record of select meetings and activities. This visual record is for the organizers’ use only and may appear on the Society’s websites, newsletters, and social media streams. In registering for this event, you acknowledge that you may be photographed and waive the right to inspect or approve such images before posting.
Photo Release Affirmation *

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